i’ll do this for that

I must preface this post by saying I learned just about everything I know on Human Design from a Turkish boy named Pasha, and I highly recommend all who are interested in Human Design to follow @reikimarco.

: )

Let’s start with a favorite activity of mine…


I hope this is on your agenda as much as it is mine.

I think it is, for we do this through personality tests, obsessions with our astrology, and anything that teaches us who we are and why we are here.

The reason this Self-Awareness is so important in my own life is simple:

  • It helps me understand what is MINE, and what is OTHERS.

  • It helps me be reflective on my conditioning and patterning, which is the start of my growth.

  • It helps me realize my needs. To “build a menu” so that I can nurture myself best, and in turn help others who love me how to nurture me, too.

The BIRD quiz I created with Jennifer Sheldon is another tool used for this : an archetypal elemental explanation of “we are all of it, but sometimes we need more of some”.

It is all meant to be a doorway to growth -
and if we are self-aware enough…
the moment it becomes anything other than GROWTH
we recognize it as excessive noise
that needs to turn off.

I say this all to cut through to simplicity - many of us are addicted to the suffering of

and we look for external sources to share our truth with us.

It’s a fine line to walk, knowing that these tools help us open up to more (and there is of course a learning curve involved)
But to also fully acknowledge , respect , and appreciate
to be as happy and free as we wish to be.

As we navigate these channels of self-awareness,
I bring a note of EXTERNAL influence that I absolutely adore and study extensively for shits and giggles:
The Human Design TRANSITS
which ultimately are astrological happenings in the Cosmos
reflected clearly upon the “Body Graph” of your Human Design

And today there is one transit we all get to experience
a transit that bridges the HEART center with the SOLAR PLEXUS center
creating a deep connection to COMMUNITY.

Instead of the SPLEEN center thinking
”HOW DO I (and I alone) SURVIVE?!”

Today we get a tremendous opportunity to see the world a little differently.

It is the transit of

37 - 40

When something “TRANSITS”, it means that you don’t have to do anything to receive the attributes of the transit.

Just like my Moon is always going to be Cancer and my rising is always going to be ARIES… When the moon is in Cancer we are ALL a little extra lovey-dovey and emotional. When the Sun is in Aries, we are ALL a little ready to go to war.

It is a transit where a handshake is as good as a contract. That we are looking out for each other’s needs, not at expense of looking after our own, but with a deep belief that we are all meant to work together.

SHARE THE WEALTH, share the love.
Respect the rules of exchange - and create boundaries around it,
and in a situation where the exchange is not equal, it must change or be terminated.

This ironically has absolutely NOTHING to do with money, which tends to be the primary focus in our current EXCHANGES.

So if it is not money, than what is it?

It is all about DEEDS - tasks and bargains… potentially preparing us for a future that is a little less dependent on Capitalism.
: D

So in your day - notice how this could show up.

Notice how it feels to share something you love or give something you value, and what people might share back in response.

Is it fair? Is it equal? Is it from love?
Are your needs being met, and as self-aware as you can be …

Are you meeting others needs in equal exchange?


Learn more HERE and HERE!



(PS : Gemini season aka writing season is SO FUN!!!!)


alice lake


start a fire